Thalasse Games
Release Price: $2.99
What is in Immersive Poetry?
Immersive poetry is a first-person casual exploration game with puzzle elements and 5 unique maps, each with their own secrets to uncover.
In Immersive Poetry, each map is based on a real world location using inspiration from the nature found in those areas. You will get to see the pine trees in Yellowstone National Park, to one of many Finnish islands. Each map, or “Level”, has its own mystery to solve alongside the original objectives presented. Along with this, each map is also named after and inspired by a real world poem, from “A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky” by Lewis Carroll to “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost.
The soundtrack in Immersive Poetry is entirely piano based, each track picked to complement the map it is played on. Each map has 2-4 piano tracks, so there is no repetitiveness in the music. As a gamer myself, I understand how annoying it can be when you have to hear the same thing over and over again. I strived to avoid that feeling here.
Your Journal
In Immersive Poetry, you are given a journal. You will be asked to add a name to your journal. This journal will contain story elements and is updated each time you complete a level or complete a secret objective. Be sure to check your journal periodically (This can be done at the main menu or the pause menu) to get hints about hidden secrets in each level!
Immersive Poetry is first and foremost, a casual gaming experience with simple yet elegant puzzles to solve. These puzzles can be solved by reading between the lines in your journal, or by simply exploring every inch of each map. Completing puzzles can unlock secret endings, grant achievements, and update journal entries, which will update the story.
Progress Tracker
Immersive Poetry has an interesting mechanic in the form of a progress tracker menu. Here, you can see your progress in each level, including all of the secrets. Not sure if you missed something? Check here and see what percentage of each map you have done!
Who will Enjoy Immersive Poetry?
Immersive Poetry is for people who enjoy poetry, piano music, puzzles, or explorational casual gaming experiences. My goal with this project was to give the player a relaxing yet involved and enjoyable time in the game.
I’m still unsure if it’s for me… Can I ask other Questions?
Of course! You can use the Discussion boards to ask anything, and I will happily answer to the best of my ability. I can also be emailed at ImmersivePoetry@gmail.com Thank you for your interest!